Work experience

Main software developer @ AIVERSE

MAR 2022- Present

Synthetic image generation that helps computer vision users train their models faster.

: NodeJS, React, Python, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, K8s.

Software developer @ HPE

MAY 2021- FEB 2022

Online chatbot: that helps HPE users deal with HPE hardware issues.

: NodeJS, React, Python, MongoDB. Docker + Jenkins + Docker Swarm.

Software developer @ AIRBUS

MAY 2021- NOV 2021

Dashboard analytics: Create a dashboard that displays all the metrics of Airbus’ hiring process.

: Javascript, Google Data Studio, Google Scripts, SQL.

Software developer + data scientist @ ALTEN

MAR 2020- MAY 2021

  • Online bank aggregator tool @ ALTEN

    Building a microservice architecture to be able to manage all your bank accounts from one application.

    : Java + Springboot + Kotlin + NestJs + React. CouchDB, MariaDB, SQL. Kubernetes, Ansible, Docker.

  • Dashboard analytics @ ALTEN

    Building a dashboard for a radio that gathers all social media interactions into one place.

    : Javascript, Google Data Studio, Google Scripts.

  • Predict hotel booking cancellations tool @ ALTEN

    Adapt ML algorithms to be able to predict the likeliness that a new customer will cancel, given some hotel data information. Adapt Machine Learning algorithms to business cases:

    • Optimization of machine learning algorithms
    • Classification/prediction
    • Image recognition
    • RNNs
    • Data lake management
    • ETL

    : Python +Java. Tensorflow + sklearn + Weka

Business Analyst & Product Owner @ Amadeus

Dec 2017 - Feb 2020

: Swagger, Postman, SQL, Python, Jira

Developing IT solutions for the industry of travel. I was working in the middleware department.

  • Product owner. Backlog planning.
  • Specifications. Product design. Test plan.
  • Agile methodology: Scrum & Kanban.
  • Web services (API) design
  • Distributed and scaling solutions
  • Drools, a business rules engine. It is an intelligent system that given certain inputs, returns the best match, based on the rules defined by the end user.
  • SQL
  • Test automation